Polytyped LLC is a company in Davis, California. Please reach out to us and we will work with you to meet your needs.
Please email ivan@polytyped.com
Development and presentation of use case projects for genomics and bioinformatics companies.
We develop technical marketing materials, such as application notes, best practices, slide presentations, white-papers, and other relevant scientific collaterals. We demonstrate the best use of the tools and applications.
Assistance with starting new projects and laboratories.
We evaluate and find the best genomics technologies, required capital equipment, laboratory instruments and consumables, wet lab protocols, and software packages. We help plan genomics experiments, and identify and evaluate NGS sequencing service providers.
Bioinformatics trainings on NGS data analysis, RNA-seq, resequencing, and de novo assembly projects.
We specialize in CLC Genomics Workbench, and we can provide training sessions for any tool in Workbench.
Please email marta@polytyped.com